About me

After 35 years in the financial industry, I have finally found my calling with MindFlow.
I was already able to get to know MindFlow in the fall of 2017 at the first Basic Seminar Tom Mögele gave.
Since then, I have participated in most of his Basic Seminars and in all of his Practitioner and Expert Educations, completed all of his trainer trainings and have already been giving Basic Seminars since 2019 (now there are more than 20, including one in Budapest in English) and since this year 2023 I have also been giving Practitioner Educations.

In addition, I still participated in the last of Tom Mögele’s previous trainings that existed before MindFlow. Thus, I can incorporate these techniques into sessions as needed, dissolve implants, as well as conduct energetic journeys in G4 and offer groups to do so.
It gives me enormous pleasure to be able to experience the change in people, both during the sessions and during the seminars.
My MindFlow Journey

On winding paths, the origin of which was actually the very unexpected death of a very dear friend for me, MindFlow found me in September 2017 through Tom Mögele’s book, which I discovered at another seminar. The flyer for his first Basic Seminar in Bad Aibling/Germany was in it and I spontaneously signed up for it. In the first 5 minutes I already knew that I would continue. After that I immediately participated in Tom’s first Practitioner Education, which took place over 3 weekends, also in Bad Aibling.

After 35 years of working for different banks in the area of financial markets, especially equities, I immediately had the feeling that this is where I have arrived. I then immediately moved on to the next seminars offered by Tom and in February 2018 went along on Tom’s trip in a small group to South Africa to Michael Tellinger and in particular the Adam’s Calendar. You can find 2 videos about it here.
Since then I have participated in 14 of Tom Mögele’s Basic Seminars, most of them already as a trainer of the first hour. In 2018 I was also allowed to enjoy his last training „Master of 12 Ways“ (M12W), which came before MindFlow, is energetically even stronger and which he has not offered since. Here I also learned to do so called energetic G4 journeys, which you can learn about here. By the way, some of the techniques of the M12W education have been incorporated into MindFlow in a similar form in the meantime, as the morphogenetic field of MindFlow with already thousands of participants is now strong enough for these energies.

Since fall 2018 I have been giving practice meetings for all levels of MindFlow training and since summer 2019 MindFlow Basic Seminars. In the meantime, about 25 larger and smaller seminars have come together here at various locations, including my first seminar in English, which I gave in Budapest at the beginning of December 2022 and which was translated into Hungarian there. You can find photos of it here: LINK. Some participants who did their first Basic Seminar with me are now trainers themselves and give Basic Seminars, which fills me with great joy.

I have been present as assistant and trainer at all of Tom’s 13 Practitioner and all 8 Expert Educations so far. I accompanied as one of the group leaders the first MindFlow India trip with Practitioner Education as well as the second MindFlow England trip with Expert Education. You can find some photos on this website. In addition, there have been 4 trainer courses so far, all of which I have also participated in. It does me a lot of good to dive into the MindFlow field again and again and to meet my MindFlow friends.

In addition, I have trained groups at Tom’s Online Practitioner Education and the online „Time Traveller“ Education both live and online.
Since 2023, I have been part of the small group of trainers who are also allowed to give MindFlow Practitioner Educations, which I did for the first time in spring 2023 in Bonn, Germany.
MindFlow has changed my life a lot and made me much more calm.

I know that with MindFlow I carry tools within me that, without needing anything on the outside, enable me to transform just about any situation in life, no matter how difficult, into a source of energy.
Now 64 years old, MindFlow gives me the opportunity to actively live my „retirement“ and fill it with meaning by giving, both in German and in English, individual sessions (live or by phone (not online for energetic reasons)), seminars, lectures and practice meetings. I look forward to meeting you there.
Yours Aiga