MindFlow individual session

Available in German as well as in English

In a MindFlow individual coaching session, even long-standing issues and blockages dissolve in the G4 field and allow for a lighter, freer life.

  • The life energy bound there is available to you again.

  • Stress dissolves.

  • A single session is sufficient, without the need for a series of appointments.

MindFlow Einzelsitzung

A session is possible both in person and by phone, the latter only without the physical techniques such as Abachi, releasing implants and Merhodron

A previous meeting to get to know each other via Zoom or similar online meeting platforms is required, the session itself can only be done by phone for energetic reasons.

In a single session you can expect the following:

  • First you experience a deep grounding, then I test your energy field and clear the first blockages in the G4.

  • Then your energy centers (chakras) will be cleansed and activated using a special method (Abachi).

  • Then in the G4 state of consciousness I will address the issues that show up in you. With a special G4 technique I also reach causes that lie long back and can also come from a previous life.

  • We work until nothing more shows up and your energy field is calm.

  • If necessary, I use the Merhodron* method, in which a cone-shaped Merhodron garnet, „Cone“ for short, is used..

Duration: usually about 1 hour.

Compensation: 349 €.

Telephone MindFlow session:

  • Getting to know each other via Zoom or similar online meeting platforms is required before the actual session. The session itself can only be done by phone for energetic reasons.

  • I will then take you into a special energetic space that is untouchable, i.e. cannot be tapped, hacked or disturbed.

  • In the G4 state of consciousness, I address the issues that are on your mind and that show up in the conversation.

  • With a special G4 technique I also reach causes that lie long back and can also come from a previous life.

  • We work until nothing more shows up and your energy field is calm.

Compensation: 349 €.

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In a session, I go into the space of G4 consciousness, where infinite energy is available and congested energy can dissolve and renew. In the G4 space, I use a questioning technique to confuse the client’s thinking so much that the subconscious mind suddenly gives answers that are not accessible to the mind, and energy nodes or blockages can burst that can resolve an issue from the ground up.

Merhodron* „Cone“

Photons (particles of light) are passed through the cone-shaped garnet and potentized at the tip, producing a very deep effect.

A single session with the Merhodron Cone can be booked or it can be integrated into a „normal“ single session if needed.

Dissolve energetic implants

  • An energetic implant is often imposed on us in early childhood, usually unconsciously. We then do what was imposed on us, even when the person who placed it is not there, and permanently lose energy to them, often for life.

  • Implants of parents remain, even if they are dead, unless I am at peace with them. They can also be passed on to the next generations.

  • Spouses, bosses, friends, etc. can also place implants. Any of us can place them and have placed them. Not only have they been placed, but I have accepted them and made them part of me.


    • You have to raise the kids so and so.
    • Blonde women are stupid.
    • Men have to be strong, etc. etc.
  • Often implants are placed with the help of a fear that something will happen.

In the session, the implants are not named, but in an energetic way, those that may be released that day are revealed and can then be removed at the same time using G4 techniques.

Compensation: 349 €

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Of course I also give seminars

  • In the Basic Seminar you will learn how to enter G4 consciousness and transform stress into energy.

  • In the Practitioner Seminar, participants are guided and accompanied on a deep journey into their own inner being.