MindFlow Lectures:


  • I give MindFlow introductory lectures.

  • Duration: approx. 2-3 hours.

  • I can be booked for this.

  • Compensation: Negotiable.

MindFlow Vorträge

Achieve everything by not-wanting and not-doing

  • You will get an insight into techniques that are more than 5,000 years old and have only been passed on from master to master. Tom Mögele, who developed MindFlow, is one of them.

  • Get a taste of how to enter G4 consciousness and transform stress into energy.

  • Feel with a few exercises how first blockages can be released and how you can reconnect with the natural flow of life.

  • Get a first idea how to create win-win situations out of daily challenges…

  • …and get out of manipulation and victimhood.

Languages: German and English

Of course I also give seminars

  • In the Basic Seminar you will learn how to enter G4 consciousness and transform stress into energy.

  • In the Practitioner Seminar, participants are guided and accompanied on a deep journey into their own inner being.